Save the Shire - Release Notes Update 2021

 Release Notes 2018

The beautiful land of the hobbits was once peaceful, but the menace of the Wraith King lurks near! The Shire must be saved!

- Main Towns: each region has a main town where you can begin your quests. The main NPCs are in the same buildings. These are the next ones.

- Master of the Region: this one will give you the title Master of Region when you have in your inventory the Slayer of Region, Explorer of Region and Kindred with the Reputation Faction of that Region.

- Master Slayer: defeat as many enemies as he says (100 for big zones and 50 for small zones) and talk to him to recieve the Slayer of Region title.

- Master Explorer: find various items in the region and talk to him to recieve the Explorer of Region title.

- Reputation: you can get reputation by completing the quests in each zone (10 for big zones and 5 for small zones). You will need to complete all quests to max the reputation. Once you have enough reputation, you can access to the store and buy the Kindred with the Reputation Faction of Region. You can know which zone is big or small, because in big zones, each quest will give you 1000 reputation, and in small zones each quest will give you 2000 reputation.

Once you have your Master of Region title, you can go to the dungeon entrance of that region and run through it! Running dungeons will give you a lot of gold and fun!

- Housing: you can buy a house in each region. The npcs that sell the house are in the inn of the main town of each region, and each house has a cost of 1000 gold. When you buy a house, you will obtain a Travel Skill that will port you to that house. You can only use Travel Skills in the open map, not in combat.

- Combat, armours and weapons: depending of your class, you can wield different gear and weapons. There are 4 types of gear: general, light, medium and heavy. General gear can be used by all classes, and it is rewarded in quests. Specific gear and weapons can be bought in npcs in the main town for gold.

- Dungeons: the rangers of the Rangers Company are in various locations in the world, and they guard the entrance to the dungeons. You will need the Master of Region Title to enter to the respective dungeons.

Release Notes 2021

- Most names related with Tolkien Legendarium have been removed, specially those directly invented by him

- New names of locations are Handor, Londin, Khazald, Morland and The Shire. Sub-locations in these realms have changed their names too. Just to name some of them: Galimon, Duilion, Weathered Peak, Sulamon, Gurthor...

- Gurthor city in Morland has been ampliated, a Skirmish Hall has been added

- New locations have been added, and these are intended to be challenge areas: Black Forest, Giant Valley, Khazald Mines, Great Battlefield

- The great evil of this world is Suradur the Wraith King. When you finish your adventure, go to the Skirmish Hall in Gurthor to know more about him

- You can find Skirmish Soldiers to get allies, these are related also to the Skirmish Hall

- Character options added to the houses

- Crafting system: craft your own ring. Collect Ring Minerals in the challenge areas and use the Ring-forge in the Skirmish Hall to craft

- The maximum level now is 30, and weapons, armours, enemies and skills have been balanced according to this

- The Shire is intended for levels 1-10

- Khazald and Londin are intended for levels 5-15

- Handor is intended for levels 5-20

- Morland is intended for levels 20-30


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Apr 16, 2021

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