Magic Mystery - Release Notes

Magic Mystery
There is a mystery that must be solved in Howannia School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There are delicious cursed candies over all the castle! However, they are dangerous for the students, and Alban Merloren requested an investigation. You are a team of detectives sent by the Ministry of Magic to put an end to this situation!
Class: Wizard.
Skills: Apparition to World, Apparition
to Snowiss, Apparition to Howannia (earned after talking with
Merloren), Apparition to Lorwia.
Spells: unlock many spells. Many are needed to open chests to collect wizard cards, while others are interesting for combat. There are four categories of spells, and many of them are taught by teachers or other characters.
Magic Spells: Accio, Aguamenti, Alohomora, Diffindo, Scourgify, Glacius, Herbivicus, Incendio, Leviosa, Lumos, Nox, Reparo, Revelio, Skurge, Ventus.
Combat Spells: Bombarda, Confundus, Desmaius, Expelliarmus, Flipendo, Petrificus Totalus, Protego, Reducto.
Special Spells: Evanesco, Expecto Patronum, Focus, Riddikulus.
Forbidden Spells: Avrakadavra, Crucio, Imperio, Sectumsempra, Obliviate.
Default Spells: Accio, Lumos, Nox, Confundus, Desmaius, Expelliarmus, Flipendo, Protego.
Persephone Spring: Scourgify, Herbivicus.
Minalla Macharia: Diffindo, Reparo, Ventus.
Septimius Severus: Sectumsempra.
Fileas Filiphus: Aguamenti, Alohomora, Glacius, Incendio, Leviosa.
Remos Lupercio: Bombarda, Petrificus Totalus, Reducto, Expecto Patronum, Riddikulus.
Arator Mordan: Avrakadavra, Crucio, Imperio.
Sibila Tenevya: Evanesco, Focus, Revelio.
Gildor Loderoy: Obliviate.
Peeke: Skurge.
Potions: you can create potions in the Potions Classroom. These potions have effects, but they are also interesting to make to earn quick money. The ingredients can be collected in the Forbidden Forest.
Potions List: Elixir, Antidote, Amortentia, Felix Felicis, Living Death, Polyjuice, Veritaserum.
Ingredients: Aconite, Anjelica Root, Ashwinder Egg, Asphodel Root, Bezoar, Bicorn Horn, Boomslang Skin, Fluxweed, Jobberknoll Feather, Magical Stone, Mistletoe Berry, Moonstone, Sopophorous Bean, Thyme, Wormwood.
Stores: there are three stores to buy consumables.
Location of the Stores: Icy Broomstick Inn, Troll’s Head Inn, LaughyCauldron.
Consumables: Butter Beer, Pumpkin Juice, Chocolate Drink.
Objects: these are important and special objects.
Wizard Card: the famous wizard cards can be found in chests spread over all the castle, including some in the grounds. Most of the chests require certain spells to be opened.
Cursed Candy: the flying spheres over all the castle are the cursed candies, and they must be collected.
Beabean Beans: when you find all the wizard cards, you will gain access to the Wizard Card Collector’s Club, and you can purchase Beabean Beans.
Weapons: Magic Wand, Elder Wand (unlocked by completing all trophies).
Armors: Tunic, Circlet, Wizard Tunic, Wizard Circlet.
Talismans: Talisman of the Dragon, Talisman of the Turtle, Talisman of the Rabbit, Talisman of the Cat, Talisman of the Frog, Talisman of the Owl, Talisman of the Unicorn.
Madame Matilda’s Robes: this is the shop where you can purchase armors and talismans.
Combat: you can experience turn based combat in three places.
Forbidden Forest: spiders.
Room of Requeriment: dark wizard decoys.
Alkatraz: dementors.
Trophies: there are five trophies. Complete them all and talk with Alban Merloren to obtain a powerful wand!
Excellent Wizard: find the Cursed One.
Master of Magic: unlock all possible spells.
Friend of the Founders: visit all four Common Rooms.
Erradicator of Candies: collect 101 cursed candies.
Collectionist of Cards: collect 101 wizard cards.
Acclaration: due to limitation of 99 items in inventory, in fact, you just need to collect 99 cursed candies and 99 wizard cards. However, there are 101 spread over all the castle.
Places to Explore: Wizarding World, Hogsmeade, Hogwarts, London, Azkaban.
Magic World: Snowiss, Howannia, Lorwia, King’s Cross Station, Alkatraz.
Snowiss: Snowiss Village, My Home, The Icy Broomstick Inn, Troll’s Head Inn, Honeydoney, Honeydoney Cellar, Zozo’s Joke Shop, Snowy Road South, Haunted House, Snowy Road North, Howannia Express Station, Snowiss Road, Southern Coast.
Howannia: Great Lake, Northern Coast, Howannia Road, Entrance Gates.
Howannia Grounds: Grounds, Bridge, Clock Tower Courtyard, Greenhouses, Ingredients Garden, Broomsball Road, Broomsball Dressing Room, Broomsball Pitch, Gamekeeper’s Grounds, Hagraven's Hut, Forest Road, Forbidden Forest, Woeing Willow.
Howannia Ground Floor: Entrance Hall, Great Hall, Caretaker’s Office, Grand Staircase, Transfiguration Courtyard, Transfiguration Classroom.
Howannia Underground: Underground Passage, Basement, Kitchens, Hualana Passage, Hualana Common Room, Dungeons, Potions Classroom, Silvestio Passage, Silvestio Common Room.
Howannia First Floor: First Floor Staircase, First Floor Corridor, History of Magic Classroom, Meople Studies Classroom, Hospital Wing, Girl’s Lavatory.
Howannia Second Floor: Second Floor Staircase, Second Floor Corridor, Charms Classroom, Myrah’s Bathroom, Second Floor Passage.
Howannia Third Floor: Third Floor Staircase, Third Floor Corridor, Defense Against Dark Arts Classroom, Armoury, Trophy Room, Statue Passage, Forbidden Passage, Forbidden Stair.
Howannia Fourth Floor: Fourth Floor Staircase, Fourth Floor Corridor, Library, Library Forbidden Section, Storage Room, Fourth Floor Passage.
Howannia Fifth Floor: Fifth Floor Staircase, Fifth Floor Corridor, Prefect’s Bathroom, Wizard Card Collector’s Club, Art Classroom, Music Classroom.
Howannia Sixth Floor: Sixth Floor Staircase, Sixth Floor Corridor, Ancient Runes Classroom, Boy’s Lavatory, Sixth Floor Passage.
Howannia Seventh Floor: Seventh Floor Staircase, Seventh Floor Corridor, Arithmancy Classroom, Griwaldo Passage, Griwaldo Common Room, Mysterious Passage, Room of Requeriment.
Howannia Towers Floor: Towers Staircase, Towers Corridor, Divination Classroom, Great Balcony, Teachers Office, Ravenna Passage, Ravenna Common Room, Towers Passage, Headmaster Office, Astronomy Stair, Astronomy Tower, Owlery.
Secret Passages: Willow Tunnel, Tapestry Corridor, Hidden Passage, Mysterious Room, Secret Tunnel, Secret Passage, Chamber of Secrets, Goremore Tunnel.
Lorwia: Lorwia Apparition Place, King’s Cross Station, Howannia Express Station, Laughy Cauldron, Alley Passage, Daynie Alley, Nightnie Alley, Mundey’s Hospital, Madame Matilda's Robes, Olawanders, Flouritas Flaritas, Ministry of Magic.
Alkatraz: Alkatraz.
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